*Hosted by expert Speed & Power coach: Adam Plummer, MSc​​​
2025 Spring & Summer overview:​
1) Spring Break Speed & Power Camps
1 week program​
2 separate weeks offered over spring break
2) Summer Speed & Power School
10 week Summer program (June 23 - August 28)
Athlete chooses 6 weeks of training out of the 10 weeks offered. They will train at a frequency of 2 sessions per week. This program allows for 4 weeks vacation time.
Registration: (opens March 10th / 2025)
3) Summer Speed & Power Camps
1 week program​
4 separate weeks offered this summer
Registration: (opens March 10th / 2025)
Registration page-
Details for each program below.
Is your kid weary of being dominated by bigger, faster, stronger athletes?
Do you cringe while watching your son or daughter trying to keep up with the other kids?
Do you wonder how good you could have been had you received expert coaching as a child and now want that for your child?
Do you worry your child is not getting enough individual attention when it comes to their fundamental athletic development?
The Speed Science program offers the aspiring athlete the type of individualized attention and instruction generally reserved for university or professional athletes. The program is based on the premise that the best players on a team are almost always the fastest and thus all athletes should be spending more time working on this aspect of their performance.
Speed Science is bringing to Sport Canada what other countries have known for decades and that is, speed is a skill and speed can be taught by highly qualified coaches. Research and work with young athletes has proven that a structured, progressive training strategy can significantly improve speed, quickness and agility. Despite the Canadian coaching myth that fast athletes are born not made, speed can be improved in any athlete at any point in their career, even if they are naturally fast. If you are serious about elevating your game by becoming a more explosive athlete then please see our programs below.
More agile
More Flexible
More resistant to injury
A better, more complete athlete
The speed science program is open to any focused athlete with the desire to learn how their body works and how to take it to its genetic potential. In all of our programs we like to create an atmosphere of intensity and achievement and for that reason uncommitted athletes will have a tough time keeping up with us.
1 week program
The speed & power camps are open to athletes from any sport. Those looking to get fitter-faster-stronger will find this camp highly beneficial. Participants will learn techniques designed to improve their speed, agility, and quickness. Athletes will be given detailed instruction on the biomechanics of proper posture, sprinting, cutting, lateral movement, jumping, and strength training. This camp will not only give your child a great workout but we will teach them how their body works and how to correct their own technique when the camp is over. Each and every athlete will leave with an exciting new approach to bettering his or her athletic ability.
Learn how to make explosive directional changes
Learn how to jump with explosiveness
Learn how to sprint with power
Learn efficient running technique like that of a professional athlete
Learn what it means to eat for performance
Learn how to cut your recovery time in half after a workout
Learn how to develop and maintain elite level flexibility for a lifetime
Learn how to manage injuries from the moment they occur all the way to long-term prevention strategies
*Athletes will also receive our Recovery Nutrition/ Regeneration Booklet. This document will show you what to eat and when to eat around hard training, and also how to use the most effective techniques to accelerate the regeneration process.
Spring Break camps offered: (Monday - Friday)​​
March 17 - 21
March 24 - 28
Age groups / Training times:
Group 1: 9 - 12 yrs / 10:00am - Noon
Group 2: 13 - 16 yrs / 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Cost: $299 / athlete
West Point Grey (Trimble) Park, 2250 Trimble Street (@ W 8th Avenue)
Registration: (open)
Summer programs below-
1 week program
The Speed & Power camps are open to athletes from any sport. Those looking to get fitter-faster-stronger will find this camp highly beneficial. Participants will learn techniques designed to improve their speed, agility, and quickness. Athletes will be given detailed instruction on the biomechanics of proper posture, sprinting, cutting, lateral movement, jumping, and strength training. This camp will not only give your child a great workout but we will teach them how their body works and how to correct their own technique when the camp is over. Each and every athlete will leave with an exciting new approach to bettering his or her athletic ability.
Learn how to make explosive directional changes
Learn how to jump with explosiveness
Learn how to sprint with power
Learn efficient running technique like that of a professional athlete
Learn what it means to eat for performance
Learn how to cut your recovery time in half after a workout
Learn how to develop and maintain elite level flexibility for a lifetime
Learn how to manage injuries from the moment they occur all the way to long-term prevention strategies
*Athletes will also receive our Recovery Nutrition/ Regeneration Booklet. This document will show you what to eat and when to eat around hard training, and also how to use the most effective techniques to accelerate the regeneration process.
Summer camps offered: (Monday - Friday)​​
July 28 - August 1st​
August 5 - 8....... (4 day week)
August 11 - 15
August 18 - 22
Age groups / Training times:
Group 1: 9 - 12 yrs / 10:00am - Noon
Group 2: 13 - 16 yrs / 10:00am - Noon
Cost: $299 / athlete
West Point Grey (Trimble) Park, 2250 Trimble Street (@ W 8th Avenue)
Registration: (opens March 10th / 2025)
10 week Summer program (June 23 - August 28)
Athletes choose 6 weeks out of the 10 weeks offered (allows for 4 weeks vacation)
The Speed School program will focus on the 5 pillars of elite athleticism: Speed, Power, Agility, Quickness, and Conditioning. Athletes will receive detailed instruction on the biomechanics of sprinting, jumping, cutting, quickness, and 1st step explosiveness. Athletes will also push hard to improve their athletic strength and fitness levels. The combination of improving technique, power, and fitness is what results in a better, more complete athlete. All athletes completing the Speed School will undergo a physical/mental transformation. This program is open to athletes from any sport.
Learn how to sprint with power
Learn how to make explosive directional changes
Learn how to jump with explosiveness
Learn efficient running technique like that of a professional athlete
Massively improve their relative body strength
Massively improve their anaerobic & aerobic fitness levels
Learn to eat for performance
Learn how to cut your recovery time in half after a workout
Learn how to develop and maintain elite level flexibility for a lifetime
Learn how to manage injuries from the moment they occur all the way to long-term prevention strategies
*Athletes will also receive our Recovery Nutrition/ Regeneration Booklet. This document will show you what to eat, when to eat around hard training, and also how to use the most effective techniques to accelerate the regeneration process.
Speed School runs for 10 weeks
Athletes will train 2 sessions per week (Mon/ Wed or Tues/ Thurs)
Athletes will train 2 on-field sessions per week for 6 of the 10 weeks offered (12 sessions total)
10 week Speed School structure allows for 4 weeks vacation
Athletes will also be given a training program to do at home (1 session per week)
Athletes will also be given a training program to do when away (1-2 sessions per week)
In summary, athletes will train 3 sessions per week total (2 on-field and 1 at home)
Athletes will also be given a home maintenance program to continue through the fall of 2025
Total training: 12 on-field sessions plus 6 sessions at home = 18 sessions
Home Program:
In addition to the 12 on-field sessions, athletes will do one 90 minute workout per week (at home). We have added this extra session to enhance the effectiveness of the training and to improve self discipline. In order to make the home sessions run smoothly, the program will be clear and easy to follow. The intention for the fall is that the athletes will have a routine they can continue so they don't lose any of the summer gains. Read up on your favourite athlete's youth career and you will discover they put in 1000s of hours of home training time!
Full program dates: 10 weeks
starts: June 23
ends: August 28
Training Day options & exact dates:
Monday & Wednesdays...............(June 23 - August 27)
Tuesday & Thursdays.................(June 24 - August 28)
Note: athletes will train 2 sessions per week with their age group. Each athlete will sign up for one of the above.
Age groups:
9 - 10 years
11 - 12 years
13 - 15 years
16 - 18 years
5:30 - 7:00pm (9 - 10 years)
5:30 - 7:00pm (11 - 12 years)
7:15 - 9:00pm (13 - 15 years)
7:15 - 9:00pm (16 - 18 years)
Cost: $649 / athlete
West Point Grey Park ('Trimble Park')
Program Total: 12 sessions (+) 6 home training sessions = 18 sessions (3 workouts per week)
Note: if athletes want to sign up for more than 12 sessions, that can be arranged (just email Adam)
- 8 different group sessions running for the 2025 summer:
Group one: 9 - 10 yrs will train from 5:30 – 7:00pm on Mondays & Wednesdays
Group two: 11 - 12 yrs will train from 5:30 – 7:00pm on Mondays & Wednesdays
Group three: 13 - 15 yrs will train from 7:15 - 9:00pm on Mondays & Wednesdays​
Group four: 16 - 18 yrs will train from 7:15 - 9:00pm on Mondays & Wednesdays
Group five: 9 - 10 yrs will train from 5:30 – 7:00pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Group six: 11 - 12 yrs will train from 5:30 – 7:00pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Group seven: 13 - 15 yrs will train from 7:15 - 9:00pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Group eight: 16 - 18 yrs will train from 7:15 - 9:00pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Note on variable schedules: if an athlete is signed up for the older group on Monday/Wednesday and needs to make up a session, they can come to the other group session on Tuesday/ Thursday to make up their 12 sessions (just let Adam know). As far as scheduling the exact dates to attend, athletes are free to choose any 6 week (12 session) portion out of the 10 week program.
Registration: (opens March 10th / 2025)
Thank you!